Vol 4 No 1 2010
Editor: Rishma Dunlop
Book Reviews Editor: Christopher Doda
Web Designer: Martin Elliott
Gallery Editor: Donal O'Donohue
Photography: Joe Paczuski
Editorial Review and Advisory Board:
Peter Abbs
Jennifer Duncan
Lynn Fels
David Goldstein
Jason Guriel
Michael Helm
Cornelia Hoogland
Karen Krasny
Carl Leggo
Rebecca Luce-Kapler
Lorri Neilsen
Shyam Selvadurai
Kilby Smith-McGregor
Studio is a literary on-line magazine which introduces emerging and
established writers of merit to a global readership.
Peer reviewed and published twice a year, Studio publishes outstanding
poetry, short fiction, essays, criticism, and creative non-fiction. Our editorial
aim is to investigate and explore aesthetic and critical issues surrounding
the nature of poetics, prosody and pedagogy, as well as the interdisciplinary
relationships between literature and other forms of art. We encourage writers
to submit text, audio, and visual content as we move into the multi-platform
media age.
Studio is supported by the Department of English and the Faculty of Education,
York University.
©2010 Studio and individual authors and artists - ISSN 1916-2154