Vol 1 No 1 2007

Meena Alexander Judith ArcanaJason Guriel
Steven HeightonRay HsuTanis MacDonald
Yvonne MurphyAlicia OstrikerRussell Thornton
Priscila Uppal Mark Yakich

A child said what is the grass

The Man Who Loves Trees

“Musée des Beaux Arts”
  further west/later on

The Man Who Loves Trees

loves through the seasons:
bare trunk, fat buds, full green, wet red
and their names: sweet gum
cypress  oak  spruce  willow  maple
red bud forest pansy
and their parts: leaf  cone  flower
bark  root  branch  boll  twig  needle
lacy fans of rough crochet, pods
like cigars, like rattling gourds.

He loves their cast-offs crisp on the ground
their sound under his boots on the trail
rustling, breaking down into dust.
He loves, later, their sawn boards:
wood, its grain a watery maze
polished, rubbed into light, glowing
still with heat from the heart of the tree
like his own heart, pumping dark liquid
out to the limbs, out to his own warm hands.

Judith Arcana