Vol 1 No 1 2007

Meena Alexander Judith ArcanaJason Guriel
Steven HeightonRay HsuTanis MacDonald
Yvonne MurphyAlicia OstrikerRussell Thornton
Priscila Uppal Mark Yakich

Patriot Acts

Patriot Acts

Patriot Acts

The poets taught me that some people are dirty, some
Fancy, and some write poetry! Then they taught me that

All of us are symbols inhabiting other symbols; 
That the worker consumes the consumer and the young

Boy consumes the old man and the nubile girl
Consumes her shampoo! I didn’t understand

When the poet used all the exclamation points.
I didn’t understand where the lawn went after

The lawnmower finished eating it or where
The subway car slept in the dead of night.

They said, “Witness the cider-barrel, the log-cabin,
The hickory-stick, the palmetto, and all the leaves

Of the great books yellowing.” I said, “I can’t stand
The smell of the library!” They said, “Can’t you

See the power of the flag and the cardinal,
Our state bird?” I didn’t know we still had a state

Bird. They said, “When Plato defines a line as
A flowing point, are you going to argue with him?”

I said, “If a line’s drawn in the sand, then it’d better
Be attached to a rubber band.” “You mean,” they said,

A slingshot?” I said, “No, I was thinking about
Mother’s old swimming suit.” They said, “We’re not

Here to destroy you.” And then one of them made
A move for his pen. I said, “Don’t do it—it might

Explode!” They said, “Don’t worry, we’ll let you
Fuck the heroes after we’re done with them.”

Mark Yakich